Pixel Pepe


Such Pixels, Much Colors!

About Pixel Pepe

This is Pixel Pepe, where meme magic meets the blockchain! Pixel Pepe ($PEXEL) is a community-driven Ethereum token with a 0% tax. Our mission is to create the funniest and most engaging crypto community, all while making memes great again.


Liquidty Burned


Tax on buy and sells


Total Supply


Ownership Renounced

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The Pixel Legend!

In the far reaches of the internet, a legendary meme frog was born. His name was Pepe. Pepe traveled through countless memes, gathering laughs and smiles from all corners of the globe. But Pepe wasn’t content. He wanted more than just internet fame; he wanted to be immortalized on the blockchain.

One fateful night, a group of meme enthusiasts came together and decided to create something extraordinary. They infused the spirit of Pepe into the Ethereum blockchain, and thus, Pixel Pepe was born! This community-driven token has since become a symbol of unity, laughter, and financial freedom. Join us and be part of the Pixel Pepe legend!

Low Res, High Profit

Ready to dive into the world of Pixel Pepe? Join our community, buy $PEXEL, and start sharing the meme magic!

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